mixin template can't contain statements: workaround?

ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Mar 15 06:28:33 PDT 2015

On Sat, 14 Mar 2015 18:20:47 -0700, Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d-learn

> Why can't we allow mixin templates to contain statements, as is the case
> for regular mixins?
> Is there a workaround?
> here's a dummy example:
> template mixin Foo{
>  //some statement, eg: 'return;'
> }
> void fun(){
>   mixin Foo;
> }
> Note that I can do this with a regular mixin, but template mixins are
> cleaner (esp in more complex examples).

template Foo(int a, string b) {
  import std.format : format;
  enum Foo = q{
      import std.conv : to;
      return %2$s+to!string(%1$s);
  }.format(a, b.stringof);

positional args, syntax highlighting, usage like `mixin(Foo!(42, "z"));`.
maybe this will help.
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