Linker error from dub?

BBasile via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Nov 11 22:11:36 PST 2015

On Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 06:03:49 UTC, BBasile wrote:
> It worked fine because it was not used, not parsed, not linked. 
> Maybe just the functions declarations was parsed to solve the 
> symbols in the program, but since none was used the 'import 
> blas.blas' was eliminated or something like that. This could be 
> explained better by someone who knows well DMD architecture...

I think that you would get an error with just the 'import 
blas.blas' and building the debug config.

I've spotted a std.expirmental.allocators bug this summer that 
was revealed in by a similar scheme: extern declaration not used 
in release mode, but in debug mode the symbols, even if not used, 
were not eliminated and the compiler complained about undefined 
symbol this & that !

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