AA behaves differently in CTFE?

Bastiaan Veelo via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Nov 23 23:54:22 PST 2015

Pegged uses an associative array to prevent infinite recursion 
[1]. This fails on some input, but only when used in CTFE [2]. 
The reduced case follows. I presume this is a bug?

[2] https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged/issues/166

Below, in the first case of the switch statement, a string is 
added to the maybeLeftRecursive AA. In the second case, evaluated 
right after, there is a test whether the AA contains the string 
or not. This results TRUE at compile time, but FALSE at run time:

struct ParseTree
     string name;
     string match;
     ParseTree[] children;

enum LeftRecursive { no, direct, hidden, indirect }

pure LeftRecursive[string] ruleInfo(ParseTree p)
     assert(p.name == "Grammar");

     LeftRecursive[string] result;
     ParseTree[string] rules;
     bool[string] maybeLeftRecursive;

     pure LeftRecursive leftRecursion(ParseTree p, string target)
         switch (p.name)
             case "Expression": // Choices are left-recursive if 
any choice is left-recursive
                 maybeLeftRecursive[target] = true;
                 foreach(seq; p.children)
                     auto lr = leftRecursion(seq, target);
                     if (lr != LeftRecursive.no)
                         return lr;
                 maybeLeftRecursive[target] = false;
                 return LeftRecursive.no;
             case "RhsName":
                 if (p.match == target)
                     return LeftRecursive.direct;
                 if (p.match in maybeLeftRecursive && 
                     return LeftRecursive.indirect;
                 if (p.match in maybeLeftRecursive)
                     return LeftRecursive.indirect;
                 /*if (p.match in rules && 
leftRecursion(rules[p.match], target) != LeftRecursive.no)
                     return LeftRecursive.indirect;*/
                 return LeftRecursive.no;
                 return LeftRecursive.no;

     foreach(definition; p.children)
         if (definition.name == "Definition")
             rules[definition.match] = definition.children[0];
             result[definition.match] = LeftRecursive.no;

     foreach(name, tree; rules)
         result[name] = leftRecursion(tree, name);

     return result;

void main(string[] args)
     enum ParseTree tree = ParseTree("Grammar", "Left", [
         ParseTree("Definition", "L" /*<- P*/, [
             ParseTree("Expression", "P", [
                 ParseTree("RhsName", "P", [])
         ParseTree("Definition", "P" /*<- P / L*/, [
             ParseTree("Expression", "P", [
                 ParseTree("RhsName", "P", []),
                 ParseTree("RhsName", "L", [])
     auto rtInfo = ruleInfo(tree);
     assert(rtInfo["L"] == LeftRecursive.indirect);
     assert(rtInfo["P"] == LeftRecursive.direct);

     enum ctInfo = ruleInfo(tree);
     static assert(ctInfo["L"] == LeftRecursive.indirect); // 
Fails, is LeftRecursive.no
     static assert(ctInfo["P"] == LeftRecursive.direct);   // 
Fails, is LeftRecursive.no

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