Converting a list of words or array of values to variables at compile time

Louie F via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Nov 25 22:33:26 PST 2015

I found out that compile time optimization is quite useful 
specially for database queries, instead of it being generated at 
every call, it can be generated like I typed it using compile 
time optimizations... so I thought,

Is it possible to convert an array of values or a list from a 
file to variables or struct at compile time?

So basically I have a database, instead of writing a struct, I 
would like to query the database for the list of tables and their 
column information then parse that as a struct or variables for 
parsing so that I could use it, so that if I delete or add 
columns I then only need to recompile the code and not worry 
about editing files...

class Users
             query the database and create fields at compile time 
and use the variables below

       void create(){
    = "Louie";


or  something like this...

foreach(table_names, key; table){
               generate struct using table and informations

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