Overloading an imported function

anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 21 12:45:56 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, October 21, 2015 08:28 PM, Shriramana Sharma wrote:

> Kagamin wrote:
>> http://dlang.org/hijack.html
> Thanks people, but even as per the rules:
> 1. Perform overload resolution independently on each overload set
> 2. If there is no match in any overload set, then error
> 3. If there is a match in exactly one overload set, then go with that
> 4. If there is a match in more than one overload set, then error
> Here there is only one round(real, int) i.e. in the current module and
> only one round(real) i.e. in the imported module, so as per rule 3, there
> should be a clear resolution.
> So why the conflict then?

Huh. I can't find any specification on this, but apparently the local 
overload set shadows any imported overload sets completely.

I don't know if there's a good reason for this. All I can think of is I 
don't want some local `write` function to conflict with std.stdio.write. But 
the local overload set wouldn't need to shadow the others completely for 
that. It would be enough if it took precedence on conflict.

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