Mimicing Python list of list

Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Oct 26 14:06:21 PDT 2015

On Monday, 26 October 2015 at 20:53:18 UTC, Dandyvica wrote:
> Thanks Meta, great idea.
> But does I'd like to have something like dynamic arrays and be 
> able to do this:
> class A(T) { T _v; this(T v) { _v = v; }  }
> auto myContainer = MyContainerArray!(A!int)();
> myContainer ~= new A!int(1);
> myContainer ~= new A!int(2);
> auto myInnerContainer = MyContainerArray!(A!int)();
> myInnerContainer ~= new A!int(3);
> myInnerContainer ~= new A!int(4);
> myContainer ~= myInnerContainer;
> myContainer ~= new A!int(5);
> I don't know if your implementation allows this?

There is a Red Black Tree implement in std.container.rbtree 
(http://dlang.org/phobos/std_container_rbtree.html). I'm not sure 
if it supports the concatenation operator or not, though.

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