Why ElementType!(char[3]) == dchar instead of char?

drug via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Sep 1 22:00:41 PDT 2015

02.09.2015 00:08, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn пишет:
> On Tuesday, September 01, 2015 20:05:18 drug via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
>> My case is I don't know what type user will be using, because I write a
>> library. What's the best way to process char[..] in this case?
> char[] should never be anything other than UTF-8. Similarly, wchar[] is
> UTF-16, and dchar[] is UTF-32. So, if you're getting something other than
> UTF-8, it should not be char[]. It should be something more like ubyte[].
> If you want to operate on it as char[], you should convert it to UTF-8.
> std.encoding may or may not help with that. But pretty much everything in D
> - certainly in the standard library - assumes that char, wchar, and dchar
> are UTF-encoded, and the language spec basically defines them that way.
> Technically, you _can_ put other encodings in them, but it's just asking for
> trouble.
> - Jonathan M Davis
I see, thanks. So I should always treat char[] as UTF in D itself, but 
because I need to pass char[], wchar[] or dchar[] to a C library I 
should treat it as not UTF but ubytes sequence or ushort or uint 
sequence - just to pass it correctly, right?

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