cURL alternative for enable javascript
Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Sep 3 09:54:58 PDT 2015
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 14:17:28 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
> On 04/09/15 2:09 AM, xky wrote:
>> hello! :)
>> Well.. yes. cURL couldn't enable javascript.
>> How can i use other library alternative cURL for D ?
>> regards,
> Curl is meant to transfer data and in this case, download files
> over http. It is not meant to render them via JavaScript.
> If you are wanting rendering which by the sounds you are by
> JavaScript then you are entering complicated and not so nice
> area of programming.
> You may get what you want by e.g. PhantomJS[0], of course you
> could set it up so that it could do what ever you want
> externally to your app. Of course then you would be limited to
> another process/files required.
> This problem is not limited to D. Even in C++ you would have to
> think twice about doing this.
> Of course somebody may know a better way.
> [0]
And since D can talk to Python via PyD, it's not hard to embed
phantomjs or the like as a script within your D code.
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