Using a macro for a function signature

pineapple via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Apr 5 04:35:24 PDT 2016

If I have a common function signature I'm using throughout my 
code, and I feel like there should be a way to condense it using 
a macro. The intuitive method isn't working, but this seems like 
something D would be able to do. What've I got wrong in this 

alias somelongsignature = int(in int x);

int examplefunc0(in int x){
     return x * 2;

somelongsignature testfunc0 = examplefunc1;
somelongsignature testfunc1 = somelongsignature {return x + 3};

public void main(){
     import std.stdio;
     writeln(testfunc0(5)); // Should output 10
     writeln(testfunc1(5)); // Should output 8


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