faster "stringification"

Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Dec 10 18:45:28 PST 2016

On Sunday, 11 December 2016 at 02:09:41 UTC, Orut wrote:
> D nub here. I have a Python script that I'd like to implement 
> in D. For certain parts, the D equivalent was slower than 
> Python's. For example,
> Python code:
> #dummy code
> s = ["abc", "fjkd", "L", "qwa", "r", "uw", "tiro", "bc", "sg", 
> "k", "jds", "yd"];
> for i in range(10000000):  # a lot of array to string 
> conversions
>     '-'.join(s)    # not assigning this to a variable to 
> simplify comparison
> D code:
> import std.stdio;
> import std.array;
> void main(string[] args){
>     string[] s = ["abc", "fjkd", "L", "qwa", "r", "uw", "tiro", 
> "bc", "sg", "k", "jds", "yd"];
>     for(int i; i<10_000_000; i++) s.join("-"); //see Python 
> comments
> }
> Python was 2x faster.
> How should I implement this in D?

Preallocate a static array for your result.

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