sort, .array and folding on immutable data (finding most common character in column of matrix)

Ali via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sun Dec 18 14:26:50 PST 2016

Hey, so I have this data file that has a list of a string of 
characters separated by new lines. The task is to find the most 
common letter in each column. Ie if file is:


Then the letters are a (column 1), x and c.

I've written the code to do this at compile time. But I have a 
few questions about sorting, immutablity casting and the need to 
use .array. The code follows:

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm;

// Line 1
static immutable data = 

// Line 2
alias T = typeof(data[0][0]);

auto redux(T[] charData) {
     return charData.fold!((a, b) {
         return a[1] > b[1] ? a : typeof(a)(b[0], b[1]);

// Line 3
static immutable word =!!"a[0]".array;

void main() {

Well mostly I'm looking for how to simplify this even further. So 
any hints there would be awesome.

And, there're a few questions I have about the code (I guess 
mainly because of my of my lack of understanding of the type 

1. The first line with the splitting, I need to use .array three 
times. The last one I understand is because on "line 2" I alias T 
as the type of the data, and if I don't call .array then it's a 
MapResult type which has no opIndex. Yes?

2. On "line 1" I have to call .array.sort(). Why can't I just 
call .sort() on the transposed rows?

3. If I call .sort (without parenthesis) I get a compiler error. 
What up with that?

4. On "line 3" I call map with the free function "redux". In this 
function, if I return just "a", it's all good. If I return "b", 
then I get "Incompatible function/seed/element: 
__lambda2/Tuple!(dchar, uint)/immutable(Tuple!(dchar, uint))". So 
my seed is not immutable, but the elements of "data" are. I can 
understand that. But how do I work around it without having to do 
"typeof(a)(b[0], b[1])" ?

5. Is there anyway to get rid of the the "alias" I have in the 
code and just use an inline lambda in my map call on "line 3"?

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