Decoding Pattern to a Tuple

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Feb 19 11:04:02 PST 2016

On 02/19/2016 10:10 AM, Nordlöw wrote:
> Have anybody put together a generalised form of findSplit that can split
> and decode using a compile time parameters somewhat like
> "(1)-(2.0)".decode!("(", int, ")", char, "(", double, ")")
> evaluates to
> to a
> tuple!(int, char, double)
> with value
> tuple(1, '-', 2.0)

The following toy program works with that particular case but can be 

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.regex;
import std.typecons;
import std.conv;

auto decode(string s) {
     // Warning: Treats "012" as int (value 12), not octal (value 10).
     enum intClass = `[0-9]+`;

     enum charClass = `.`;

     // Found on the internet:
     enum floatClass = `[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?`;

     enum expr = format(`[(](%s)[)](%s)[(](%s)[)]`,
                        intClass, charClass, floatClass);
     enum r = ctRegex!expr;

     auto matched = s.match(r);

     if (matched) {
         foreach (e; matched) {
             // We are ignoring potential other matches on the same line and
             // returning just the first match. (Of course, no loop is 
             return tuple(e[1].to!int, e[2].to!char, e[3].to!double);

     return Tuple!(int, char, double)();

void main() {
     auto t = decode("(1)-(2.5)");


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