Most elegant way for split array of struct into components

Miguel L via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Jul 4 23:07:27 PDT 2016

I would like advice in the most elegant way for doing this in D:

I have something like this:

struct A
int x;
int y;

A[] my_array;

And I would need something like this:

assert( my_array[0..n].x == [ my_array[0].x, my_array[1].x, ... 
my_array[n-1].x ]);
assert( my_array[0..n].y == [ my_array[0].y, my_array[1].y, ... 
my_array[n-1].y ]);
assert( my_array.x == [ my_array[0].x, my_array[1].x, ... 
my_array[$-1].x ]);
assert( my_array.y == [ my_array[0].y, my_array[1].y, ... 
my_array[$-1].y ]);

Is it possible to implement something like this in D? If not, 
which would be the best way to get an array of x or y component 
of my_array?

Thank you

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