Asynchronous Programming and Eventhandling in D

O/N/S via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Jul 5 01:24:43 PDT 2016

Hi ("GrĂ¼ss Gott")

I like the asynchronous events in Javascript.
Is something similar possible in D?

Found Dragos Carp's asynchronous library 
Are there any more integrated (in Phobos/in D) ways to work 

An example: One server ask a second server to calculate something 
The first server continues with his work, until the answer come 
back from the second.
And so on...

Using threads or fibers would be a way, but has not the same 
elegancy like the Javascript way. (To avoid discussions: D is 
better ;-)

Greetings from Munich,

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