Properties don't work as expected

ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Jul 5 09:20:52 PDT 2016

On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 at 14:07:25 UTC, zodd wrote:
> : "Don't use 'in', because it doesn't mean what it seems to mean, and it's not correctly implemented at the moment."

it is freakin' 2013! ;-)

> - "cast `shared` away. yes, this is how you supposed to use it now: cast it away."

yes, `shared` need some love. it actually never moved from the 
concept to something really useful. alas.

> I don't want to say that "D is unfinished"

actually, it is unfinished. ;-) but it already has alot to offer.

> I'm just trying to figure out what D is and how can I use it.

sorry for overreacting. that "D is crap" thread makes me... 
nervous. ;-)

> Answering your other question: I think that production ready 
> language should have a "finished" design and its detailed 
> description (not a basic overview of the features).

Andrei's book is fairly detailed. And Ali's book is excellent 
too. it's hard to expect a small, but complete descrion for 
modern multiparadigm language. ;-)

so, my PoV is: yes, D has it's warts, but they are much more 
tolerable than C++ warts, for example. and D has alot to offer 
which C++ simply won't be able to offer, ever.

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