Does D have object wrappers for primitives?
Cauterite via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Jul 29 13:25:16 PDT 2016
On Friday, 29 July 2016 at 20:13:34 UTC, stunaep wrote:
> I have some java code I need to convert and at one point it
> uses an Object[] array to store various ints, longs, and
> strings. Java has built in Integer and Long classes that wrap
> the primitives in an object and strings are already objects.
No, but with a template you could easily make your own:
class Boxed(T) {
T _v;
alias _v this;
this(in T v) immutable {_v = v;};
auto i = new Boxed!int(6);
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