Problem with insertBack
John Nixon via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Jun 3 11:52:16 PDT 2016
On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 15:03:45 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> On 06/03/2016 04:34 PM, John Nixon wrote:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.container;
>> struct CS{
>> char[] t;
>> CS dup()const{
>> CS cs;
>> cs.t = this.t.dup;
>> return cs;}
>> };
> Aside: No semicolon after struct declarations in D.
>> void main(){
>> Array!CS cs_array = make!(Array!CS)();
> cs_array stores its data somewhere on the heap.
>> CS cs;
> cs is on the stack.
>> cs.t = "bb".dup;
> But cs.t's data is on the heap, like cs_array's. cs.t contains
> a pointer to it.
>> cs_array.insertBack(cs);
> This copies cs to cs_array's heap. The pointer in cs.t is being
> copied, but the data that it points to is not being copied. So
> cs.t and cs_array[0].t contain two distinct but equal pointers
> now. Since they're equal, they refer to the same data.
>> write("cs_array =
>> ");foreach(i2;cs_array)write(i2);writeln("");
>> cs.t[0] = ("a".dup)[0];//this changes cs_array!
> This is expected since cs.t and cs_array[0].t point to the same
> location. A change to the data through one of them is visible
> to the other.
>> write("cs_array =
>> ");foreach(i2;cs_array)write(i2);writeln("");
>> cs.t = "c".dup;//but this does not
> Here you're not writing through the pointer in cs.t, but rather
> you're assigning a whole new one. Since the pointers in cs.t
> and cs_array[0].t are independent of each other, they now point
> to different locations, with different data.
>> write("cs_array =
>> ");foreach(i2;cs_array)write(i2);writeln("");
>> return;}
On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 15:03:45 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
Thanks very much to you and Steve for the detailed explanation.
By the way I did try insertBack(cs.dup) but wasn't sure what I
was doing. It seems that I just need to add all the .dup 's when
needed to make my program work and find out a procedure to make
sure I don't miss any.
John Nixon
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