Fibers, what for?

chmike via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Jun 13 00:03:36 PDT 2016

On Monday, 13 June 2016 at 00:57:11 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:
> This is misleading. Any sort of cooperative system needs 
> synchronization when two or more tasks try to access the same 
> data, whether those "tasks" are OS threads, fibers, different 
> machines on a network, etc.

That is true. Sorry. What I meant is that with fibers the yield 
is performed in well defined locations it could be in blocking 
calls like read() or write() or when yield is called.
For this reason it is simpler to synchronize access to shared 
ressources with fibers than with threads. It's thus POSSIBLE to 
write code that doesn't need synchronization even when shared 
ressources are used.

Note also that the synchronization mechanism can be much simpler 
and efficient than the one needed with threads.

With threads you MUST allways synchronize access to shared 
ressources and protect critical sections of your code, or use 
specially crafted none blocking data structures using atomic 

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