static switch/pattern matching
Lodovico Giaretta via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Jun 25 02:07:19 PDT 2016
On Saturday, 25 June 2016 at 08:46:05 UTC, John wrote:
> Writing a long series of "static if ... else" statements can be
> tedious and I'm prone to leaving out the crucial "static" after
> "else", so I was wondered if it was possible to write a
> template that would resemble the switch statement, but for
> types.
> Closest I came up to was this:
> void match(T, Fs...)() {
> foreach (F; Fs) {
> static if (isFunctionPointer!F) {
> alias Ps = Parameters!F;
> static if (Ps.length == 1) {
> static if (is(Ps[0] == T)) F(Ps[0].init);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> void test(T)(T t) {
> match!(T,
> (int _) => writeln("Matched int"),
> (string _) => writeln("Matched string")
> );
> }
> But that's pretty limited and I'd like to be able to match on
> whether a type derives from T as well. I just can't figure it
> out.
> Something like this would be ideal...
> match!(T,
> int => writeln("Matched int"),
> is(T : SomeObject) => writeln("Derives from SomeObject")
> );
> Anyone able to improve on it?
Instead of passing functions to match!, pass pairs of arguments,
like this:
int, writeln("Matched int"),
is(T : SomeObject), writeln("Derives from SomeObject");
Now, in the implementation, foreach pair of arguments, if the
first member is a type that matches your target, perform that
branch; otherwise, if the first member is a boolean value, and it
is true, perform the branch.
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