executeShell doesn't work but system does

cym13 via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Jun 26 12:01:07 PDT 2016

On Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 17:56:08 UTC, Satoshi wrote:
> On Sunday, 26 June 2016 at 15:37:03 UTC, "Smoke" Adams wrote:
>> system("cls") works but executeShell doesn't. system is 
>> depreciated.
>> What's going on? The docs say that it creates a new process. I 
>> simply want to clear the console!
> I have problem with executeShell on windows 10 (LDC 1.0.0) too.
> When I rewrote it into http://prntscr.com/blc9j8 it works.

OT but please, refrain from using screenshots. I know it's very 
customary on windows but I can't copy paste code from a 
screenshot to play with it and manually copying is error-prone. 
We manipulate text, let's stay with it.

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