missing data with parallel and stdin

moechofe via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon May 23 01:59:31 PDT 2016

Hi, I write a script that take a list of files from STDIN, 
compute some stuff, and copy files with a new names.

I got 33k lines at input but got only 3k-5k in the destination 
This is not append if I remove the .parallel() function.

What did I do wrong?

     void delegate(string source,string dest) handler;

     if(use_symlink) handler = delegate(string s,string d){
     }; else handler = delegate(string s,string d){

     foreach(entry; parallel(stdin.byLineCopy)) try
         auto source = buildPath(static_path,entry);
         auto md5 = digest!MD5(File(source).byChunk(64*1024));
         auto hash = toHexString!(LetterCase.lower)(md5);
         auto file = text(hash,'_',baseName(entry));
         auto dest = buildPath(hashed_path,file);
         writeln(entry,' ',file);
     catch(Exception e)
         error("Couldn't read, hash or copy %s",entry);

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