Request assistance binding to Windows dsound.{lib, dll}

Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri May 27 19:28:08 PDT 2016

On Friday, 27 May 2016 at 20:59:56 UTC, John wrote:
> Additionally, remove QueryInterface, AddRef and Release from 
> the definition of IDirectSound. Also, interfaces are already 
> references, so the definition of LPDIRECTSOUND should be:
>   alias LPDIRECTSOUND = IDirectSound;
> Note there should be no *.

Awesome... that's the missing link. Thank you very. I really 
appreciate the assistance of everyone who helped to clarify this 

> Regarding any linking errors, it's easier to either grab the 
> .lib files from the Windows SDK and convert them with 
> coffimplib, or use the m32mscoff switch so you can link with 
> the SDK .lib files directly.

Was already doing that (both approaches). As Adam pointed out, 
last bit of errors were occurring because it was a class vice an 

Again, thank you all.

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