New to D and mimicking C++ : how to implement std::integral_constant<>?
Picaud Vincent via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Nov 7 10:42:37 PST 2016
Hi all,
I have ~15y of C++ and now I want to test D, because it seems
really intersting and "cleaner" than C++.
As an exercice I m trying to implement something equivalent to
the C++ std::integral_constant<T,T value> in D.
In D:
struct IntegralConstant(T, T VALUE) {
But I do not know how to write a compile-time type check. I tried
template isIntegralConstant(ANY)
enum bool
But when using it with ANY=long type, I get a compile-time error:
"argument long has no identifier"
A workaround that worked is:
struct IntegralConstantTag {}
struct IntegralConstant(T, T VALUE) {
private IntegralConstantTag selfTag_;
alias selfTag_ this;
template isIntegralConstant(ANY)
enum bool isIntegralConstant=is(ANY : IntegralConstantTag);
But now I'm sticked by a compiler issue when I want to introduce
2 "alias this" to allow implicit conversion:
struct IntegralConstant(T, T VALUE) {
private IntegralConstantTag selfTag_;
alias selfTag_ this;
T value_=VALUE;
alias value_ this;
Compiler error message is "integralConstant.d:16:3: error: there
can be only one alias this".
I would be very graceful for any help/advice that explains the
right way to implement C++ std::integral_constant<T,T value> in
the D language.
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