How to make rsplit (like in Python) in D

Uranuz via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Oct 1 09:45:11 PDT 2016

How to make rsplit (like in Python) in D without need for extra 
allocation using standard library? And why there is no algorithms 
(or parameter in existing algorithms) to process range from the 
back. Is `back` and `popBack` somehow worse than `front` and 

I've tried to write somethig that would work without allocation, 
but failed.
I have searching in forum. Found this thread:

I tried to use `findSplitBefore` with `retro`, but it doesn't 

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.string;

void main()
	string str = "Human.Engineer.Programmer.DProgrammer";
	writeln( findSplitBefore(retro(str), ".")[0].retro );

Compilation output:
/d153/f534.d(10): Error: template std.range.retro cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(Result), candidates are:
std.range.retro(Range)(Range r) if 

Why I have to write such strange things to do enough wide-spread 
operation. I using Python at the job and there is very much cases 
when I use rsplit. So it's very strange to me that D library has 
a lot of `advanced` algorithms that are not very commonly used, 
but there is no rsplit.

Maybe I missing something, so please give me some advice)

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