How to make rsplit (like in Python) in D
TheFlyingFiddle via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Oct 1 11:33:02 PDT 2016
On Saturday, 1 October 2016 at 16:45:11 UTC, Uranuz wrote:
> How to make rsplit (like in Python) in D without need for extra
> allocation using standard library? And why there is no
> algorithms (or parameter in existing algorithms) to process
> range from the back. Is `back` and `popBack` somehow worse than
> `front` and `popFront`.
> I've tried to write somethig that would work without
> allocation, but failed.
> I have searching in forum. Found this thread:
> I tried to use `findSplitBefore` with `retro`, but it doesn't
> compile:
> import std.stdio;
> import std.algorithm;
> import std.range;
> import std.string;
> void main()
> {
> string str = "Human.Engineer.Programmer.DProgrammer";
> writeln( findSplitBefore(retro(str), ".")[0].retro );
> }
> Compilation output:
> /d153/f534.d(10): Error: template std.range.retro cannot deduce
> function from argument types !()(Result), candidates are:
> /opt/compilers/dmd2/include/std/range/package.d(198):
> std.range.retro(Range)(Range r) if
> (isBidirectionalRange!(Unqual!Range))
> Why I have to write such strange things to do enough
> wide-spread operation. I using Python at the job and there is
> very much cases when I use rsplit. So it's very strange to me
> that D library has a lot of `advanced` algorithms that are not
> very commonly used, but there is no rsplit.
> Maybe I missing something, so please give me some advice)
There are two reasons why this does not compile. The first has to
do with how retro() (and indeed most function in std.range) work
with utf-8 strings (eg the string type). When working on strings
as ranges, the ranges internally change the type of ".front" from
'char' into 'dchar'. This is done to ensure that algorithms
working on strings do not violate utf-8.
See related thread:
The second reason has to do with findSplitBefore called with
bidirectional ranges.
Now to why your code does not compile.
retro takes as input parameter a bidirectional or random access
range. Because of how strings are handled, the string type
"string" is not characterized as a random access range but
instead as a bidirectional range. So the output from retro is a
bidirectional range.
Calling findSplitBefore with a bidirectional range unfortunately
does not return results that are also bidirectional ranges.
Instead findSplitBefore returns forward ranges when bidirectional
ranges are given as input. I am not entirely sure why.
The chain of calls has the following types.
string is (bidirectional range) -> retro(str) is (bidirectional
range) -> findSplitBefore is (forward range)
Now the last call to retro is called with a forward range and
retro needs bidirectional or random access ranges as input.
If you change the line:
> string str = "Human.Engineer.Programmer.DProgrammer";
dstring str = "Human.Engineer.Programmer.DProgrammer";
Then the code will compile.
The reason for this is:
dstring is (random access range) -> retro(str) is (random access
range) -> findSplitBefore is (random access range)
Now the last call to retro gets a random access range as input
and everyone is happy.
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