Why using wrappers for D?
Chalix via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Oct 3 10:19:47 PDT 2016
On Monday, 3 October 2016 at 13:51:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> // wrapfoo.d
> import foo; // import the foo module from above
> void myFunc(string s)
> {
> import std.string : toStringz;
> my_func(s.toStringz());
> }
Thank you for the example, Mike!
And thanks to all others who support me with their answers! I
didn't expect so much answers, the D community seems to be very
helpful :)
But there still is one thing, which I don't get:
If I "import foo;" in my project, it will be compiled alongside.
So there is no need for an extra library. Same should be for
wrapfoo.d. If I "import wrapfoo;", I should just need the
C-library "foo", and no D-library "food" right?
To have a more practical example, I looked up the "header" of the
GtkD gtk/Main.d file. There are functions exactly like you
>public static void init(ref string[] argv)
> {
> int argc = cast(int)argv.length;
> char** outargv = Str.toStringzArray(argv);
> gtk_init(&argc, &outargv);
> argv = Str.toStringArray(outargv, argc);
> }
This function wraps the C-like gtk_init function to a D init
The gtk_init function is the function from the GTK+ library,
which is loaded in the gtkc/gtk.d file:
> Linker.link(gtk_init, "gtk_init", LIBRARY.GTK);
Linker and link are defined in the gtkc/Loader.d
So, why is it not enough just to "import gtk.Main"? What kind of
code is inside the gtkd-3 library?
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