Render SVG To Display And Update Periodically

Jason C. Wells via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Oct 22 16:13:26 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 22 October 2016 at 06:18:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> I think I can confidently assure you that you aren't running 
> into any bugs here.

Thanks for the confirmation. It helps me to learn.

> You've dived right into a multi-module projects without a full 
> understanding of imports and linking. I suggest you back up a 
> bit and get familiar with the process before tackling ketmar 
> and Adam's stuff. If they used dub, it would be a very easy 
> process. Since they don't, and you have to manage it all 
> manually, you need a solid understanding of how DMD handles 
> this stuff and why you are getting the error messages you see.

I'm used to compiling stuff in FreeBSD land. They have a group of 
people who take care to manage the build process (the dub part, i 
presume). What you say above is correct. I don't understand 
imports and linking. I can read the docs and they make sense, but 
I don't quite get it yet.

Thanks for writing up that simple exercise. That's next.

I was able to compile a working executable by specifying almost 
all *.d files on the command line. It didn't render an image, but 
it did pop up a window with an error message saying it couldn't 
load an image. I'm calling that victory.


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