splitter trouble

Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Sun Oct 30 16:57:11 PDT 2016

While working on a solution for Alfred Newman's thread, I came up with 
the following interim solution, which compiled but failed:

auto parse(R, S)(R range, S separators) {
     import std.algorithm : splitter, filter, canFind;
     import std.range : empty;

     static bool pred(E, S)(E e, S s) {
         return s.canFind(e);

     return range.splitter!pred(separators).filter!(token => !token.empty);

unittest {
     import std.algorithm : equal;
     import std.string : format;
     auto parsed = parse("_My   input.string", " _,.");
     assert(parsed.equal([ "My", "input", "string" ]), format("%s", 

void main() {

The unit test fails and prints

["put", "ing"]

not the expected

["My", "input", "string"].

How is that happening? Am I unintentionally hitting a weird overload of 


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