Unicode function name? ∩

Jesper Tholstrup via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Sep 6 06:41:22 PDT 2016

On Tuesday, 6 September 2016 at 02:22:50 UTC, Illuminati wrote:
> It's concise and has a very specific meaning.

Well, only if we can agree on what the symbols mean. I'm not sure 
that every symbol is concise and specific across the fields of 
mathematics, statistics, and physics.

The worst part, however, is our (humans, that is) intrinsic 
desire to be "clever". There will be an endless incorrect use of 
symbols, which will render code very difficult to understand 
Friday afternoon when things break.

> The whole point of symbols is to simplify, ∩ is more simple 
> than intersect as the first requires 1 symbol and the second 
> requires 8 symbols.

I don't buy that argument - fewer symbols is better? If so 
disagree, its a lot easier to make and a lot harder to catch a ∩ 
vs ∪ error compared to 'intersect()' vs 'union()' error.

How is Unicode normalization handled? It is my impression that 
certain symbols can be represented in more than one way. I could 
be wrong...

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