VisualD core.exception.RangeError at pipedmd(286): Range violation

Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Sep 8 12:56:45 PDT 2016

On 08.09.2016 20:15, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> On 08.09.2016 19:35, Tofu Ninja wrote:
>> On Thursday, 8 September 2016 at 07:45:56 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>>> Fixed it again. You can find a prebuilt binary of pipedmd.exe here:
>> Thanks for the response, I think there is more going on than that bug.
>> The pipedmd that you linked did the same thing that mine did when I got
>> rid of the rangeerror at pipedmd(285). Pipedmd just locks up and never
>> finishes the build.
>> Here is the project that gives me the problem, don't have something
>> smaller that demonstrates it.
>> dub 1.0.0
>> dmd v2.071.0
>> visuald v0.3.44 beta 1
>> Generate the visuald project with "dub generate visuald -ax86_64", the
>> project itself only builds in x64.
>> Also fun fact, I get a different error if the folder that project is in
>> has spaces in the path... so yeah...
> Thanks for the repro case. I can reproduce the lock-up with that project.
> You can disable the usage of pipedmd by unchecking both "demangle names
> in link errors" and "monitor linker dependencies" on the global options
> page "Project and Solutions -> Visual D Settings" which reveals that the
> command line is cut short. This seems to happen for the "Separate
> compile and link" compilation mode in the project configuration. If you
> switch to "Combined compile and link" it links successfully, even with
> pipedmd enabled.

I think I fixed both issues in this build:

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