Reading hexidecimal from a file

Basile B. via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Sat Sep 10 05:12:28 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 10 September 2016 at 12:04:08 UTC, Neurone wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to read a text file that contains sha1 hashes in 
> hexidecimal, then convert the hashes back into ubyte[20]. 
> Examples of some lines:
> E9785DC5  D43B5F67  F1B7D1CB  33279B7C  284E2593
> 04150E8F  1840BCA2  972BE1C5  2DE81039  0C486F9C
> How can I do this? The documentation for format strings is 
> pretty dense, so couldn't understand most of it.

at compile time you can do:

import std.conv;
enum array = hexString!(import(theFile));

the run-time version was proposed 
( but not interesting 
enough ;)

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