seg fault, now what?

Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Sep 19 07:35:37 PDT 2016

On 9/17/16 5:12 PM, Ryan wrote:
> Is there an alternative to reporting bugs via bugzilla?
> I tried to open an account, but they recommend not using your main
> e-mail address because it will be posted to the web for all the spammers
> to find. But I don't have another e-mail address, and it seems a bit
> much to create a fake e-mail account for a few bug reports.

Slightly OT, but with a gmail/yahoo address, generally the spam filter 
is quite good. I've used my yahoo address for years on bugzilla and this 
forum, and never had adverse spamming issues.


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