Easy sockets - don't exist yet?

haxx via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Sep 26 22:37:24 PDT 2016

On Monday, 26 September 2016 at 23:40:10 UTC, Vincent wrote:
> Hello, guys!
> I was very surprised that module 'socketstream' was deprecated. 
> Usually if something become obsolete, there is some perfect 
> replacement! But my digging in Inet and forums gave nothing, 
> but "outdated" examples with 'SocketStream' class. So first 
> question is WHAT Phobos has to replace SocketStream?
> To avoid unnecessary mail bouncing, I write upfront what I 
> expect from normal Socket implementation (kind of interface) :
> 1. Easy to use. No more stupid "UNIX sockets", "TCP types" and 
> so on. Just simple as this:
> // Client side
> auto sock = new ClientSocket("google.com", 80);
> sock.WriteLine("GET / HTTP/1.0");
> sock.WriteLine("Host: google.com");
> sock.WriteLine();// empty line sent
> // Server side:
> auto svc = new ServerSocket("Bound.To.This.IP", 1000);
> while ((auto ClientSock = svc.AcceptClient()) !is null) {
>     auto command = ClientSock.ReadLine();// this is important - 
> read by line, not idiotic "buffers of bytes"!
> 	ClientSock.WriteLine(command ~ ` yourself!`);
> 	ClientSock.Close();
> }
> 2. Of course integration with std.stream could be nice, it 
> gives "for free" readLine and other methods.
> 3. Ability to 'get and forget': hardly all of us wanna deal 
> with "get portion, write portion to disk, blah". Simple 
> "sock.ReceiveFile(`http://porno/girl.avi`, 
> `c:\diploma_work.avi`)" could be enough.
>    Some kind of "progress report" callback would be nice.
> 4. SSL/TLS out-of-the-box. In example above it should be same 
> easy as:
> auto sock = new ClientSocket("google.com", 80, Proto.TLS);
> At the moment it's all I need, but hope you'll be happy too 
> with such interface. Sockets are SOOO important, that I cannot 
> believe we don't have so easy API now. Or if we have, please 
> share!
> Thanks everybody!

Sockets in D are a thin layer over the BSD sockets, and they do 
well in that aspect. What you are asking for aren't sockets, but 
more like a HTTP client, have you checked 
https://dlang.org/phobos/etc_c_curl.html ? It should be able to 
do the functionality you are looking for. If not, there are some 
packages on http://code.dlang.org/, such as 
http://code.dlang.org/packages/requests or 
http://code.dlang.org/packages/libhttp2 , which seem like a good 
fit as well.

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