D Multidimensional arrays wierdness
Johnson Jones via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Aug 28 20:16:13 PDT 2017
I need to get this straight:
A normal single dimensional array in D is defined as
T[] arr
and is a linear sequential memory array of T's with an unbound
length and is effectively the same as T*(although D treats them
We can fix the length by adding a upper bound:
T[N] arr;
and this is equivalent to
auto arr = cast(T[])malloc(T.sizeof*N)[0..N];
auto arr = cast(T[N])malloc(T.sizeof*N);
But then arr is a fixed type and we can't use to resize the array
later if needed.
these don't actually work, for some odd reason, so
auto arr = cast(T*)malloc(T.sizeof*N)[0..N];
seems to be the way to go.
So, what this "shows" is that in memory, we have
relative address type
0 T
1*sizeof(T) T
2*sizeof(T) T
N-1*sizeof(T) T
This is pretty basic and just standard arrays, all that is fine
and dandy!
Now, when it comes to multidimensional arrays:
T[][] arr;
There are two ways that the array can be laid out depending on
how we interpret the order of the row/col or col/row.
The most natural way to do this is to extend single dimensional
T[][] is defined to be (T[])[]
or, lets used a fixed array so we can be clear;
which means we have M sequential chunks of memory where each
chunk is a T[N] array.
This is the natural way because it coincides with single arrays.
Similary, to access the element at the nth element in the mth
chunk, we do
t[n][m] because, again, this conforms with out we think of single
Now, in fact, it doesn't matter too much if we call a row a
column and a column a row(possibly performance, but as far as
dealing with them, as long as we are consistent, everything will
BUT! D seems to do something very unique,
If one defines an array like
one must access the element as
The accessors are backwards!
This is a huge problem!
int[3][5] a;
Lets access the last element:
auto x = a[4][2];
auto y = a[2][4]; <- the logical way, which is invalid in D
This method creates confusion and can be buggy. If our array is
not fixed, and we use the *correct* way, then our bugs are at
runtime and maybe subtle.
Why? Because the correct way only has one thing to get right,
which is being consistent, which is easy.
In D, we not only have to be consistent, we also have to make
sure to reverse our array accessors from how we defined it.
While it is a unique approach and may have something to do with
quantum entanglement, I'm curious who the heck came up with the
logic and if there is actually any valid reason?
Or are we stuck in one of those "Can't change it because it will
break the universe" black holes?
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