Simplest multithreading example

Brian via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Aug 31 18:59:07 PDT 2017

Hello, I am trying to get the most trivial example of 
multithreading working, but can't seem to figure it out.
I want to split a task across threads, and wait for all those 
tasks to finish before moving to the next line of code.

The following 2 attempts have failed :

Trial 1 :

auto I = std.range.iota(0,500);
int [] X; // output
foreach (i; parallel(I) )
     X ~= i;
core.thread.thread_joinAll(); // Apparently no applicable here ?
writeln(X); // some random subset of indices

Trial 2 : (closer to Java)
class DerivedThread : Thread
     int [] X;
     int i;
     this(int [] X, int i){
         this.X = X;
	this.i = i;

         void run(){
             X ~= i;

void main(){
	auto I = std.range.iota(0,500);
	int [] X; // output
	Thread [] threads;
	foreach (i; I )
		threads ~= new DerivedThread( X,i);
	foreach( thread; threads)
	foreach( thread; threads)
		thread.join(); // does not seem to do anything
	core.thread.thread_joinAll(); // also not doing anything

	writeln(X); // X contains nothing at all

How can I get the program to wait until all threads have finished 
before moving to the next line of code ?

Thank you !

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