AssocArray to string is ok,but how to get the AssocArray from string? Thanks
Azi Hassan
azi.hassan at
Tue Dec 12 21:18:19 UTC 2017
On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 17:32:15 UTC, Frank Like wrote:
> Hi,everyone,
> who can help me,about the "AssocArray to string is ok,but how
> to get the AssocArray from string? ".
> For example:
> SysTime[][string] AATimes;
> AATimes["a1"] =[SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 1, 12, 33,
> 33)),SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 12, 33, 33))];
> AATimes["a2"] =[SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 2, 12, 33,
> 33)),SysTime(DateTime(2017, 1, 3, 12, 33, 33))];
> ubyte[] ua = cast(ubyte[])!string;
> writeln("ua is ",ua);
> string strTimes = cast(string)ua;
> writeln("strTimes is ",strTimes);
> But now,how to get the AATimes from string?
> Thanks.
> Frank.
Serialization seems to be the answer. Unfortunately I could
neither get it to work with Cereal nor with Orange. If all else
fails, you could still attempt to manually parse it ot of its
string representation (!string).
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