What is 'scope' in function parameter?

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 25 12:11:58 UTC 2017

On Monday, 25 December 2017 at 11:09:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

>> ```
>> import std.stdio;
>> int[] x;
>> void func(scope int[] a) {
>>      x = a;
>> }
>> void main() {
>>      func([0,1,2]);
>>      writeln(x);
>> }
>> ```
>> This code was successfully compiled and printed '[0, 1, 2]'.
>> But according to https://dlang.org/spec/function.html, above 
>> code must cause a compile error.
>> Could you give me any advice?
> Walter has been working on DIP 1000, which broadens scope so 
> that it affects a lot more types, and that can be triggered 
> with the -dip1000 compiler flag, but it's very much a work in 
> progress, and I wouldn't advise using it at this point. Without 
> it, scope has zero effect on something like a dynamic array.
> https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/DIP1000.md

But we need people to use -dip25 and -dip1000 and provide 
feedback, submit bug reports, etc.. so we can move the 
implementation forward.

Based on your assessment, is Sobaya's test case an indication of 
a bug in -dip1000's implementation?


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