A bug?

bauss via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Fri Feb 17 03:52:24 PST 2017

On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 at 19:56:31 UTC, berni wrote:
> On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 at 16:11:36 UTC, drug wrote:
>> No, you recursively call main() and get segfault (due to stack 
>> overflow) as expected
> I thought, that an stack overflow leeds to an exception. But 
> that's not true, as I now see. Thanks for your answer.

That's a language implementation and may not be true in *all* 

Theoretically a stackoverflow cannot be a thrown exception (Even 
in languages where it appears so such as c#), because it would 
require space in the stack, which obviously you just overflowed, 
so there's none.

That's why exceptions such as that would be reallocated at 
runtime before program start, but that may not be the case for 
all languages. I'm not sure what D does, but it seems like it 
does nothing, hence why there's no exception for it and you just 
end up with a segfault. Also remember that D is a system's 
programming language, so things like that may not be optimal in 
all environments and all operating systems.

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