Hello, folks! Newbie to D, have some questions!
timmyjose via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Feb 20 08:51:17 PST 2017
On Monday, 20 February 2017 at 15:27:16 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> On 02/20/2017 03:44 PM, timmyjose wrote:
>> Things I don't like so much:
>> 1). The std.range: iota function(?) is pretty nice, but the
>> naming seems
>> a bit bizarre, but quite nice to use.
> Yeah, the name is weird. A little googling suggests it comes
> from C++ [1] which took it from APL.
Damn! I'd just watched this interesting APL demo from 1975 a
couple of days back
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DTpQ4Kk2wA) which does use
iota, and I never did make the connection!
>> 2). The automatic conversion rules are nice for avoiding
>> verbose code,
>> but it looks like it might bite one just like in C++.
> D at least disallows narrowing conversions. But yeah,
> conversions between signed/unsigned, from integral to floating
> point, or from narrower to wider char variants can have
> surprising results.
>> 3). Not so much a fan of "auto", but it does have its uses, of
>> course.
> `auto` can obscure your code, but it can also make it more DRY.
> And with ranges and their combinations, types quickly get too
> complex to type out.
Absolutely agreed.
>> 4). I'm still a bit confused by order of dimensions in
>> rectangular arrays:
>> Suppose I have a simple 2 x 3 array like so:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.range: iota;
>> void main() {
>> // a 2 x 3 array
>> int [3][2] arr;
>> foreach (i; iota(0, 2)) {
>> foreach(j; iota(0, 3)) {
>> arr[i][j] = i+j;
>> }
>> }
>> writefln("second element in first row = %s", arr[0][1]);
>> writefln("third element in second row = %s", arr[1][2]);
>> writeln(arr);
>> }
>> My confusion is this - the declaration of the array is arr
>> [last-dimension]...[first-dimension], but the usage is
>> arr[first-dimension]...[last-dimension]. Am I missing
>> something here?
> You've got it. Declarations have the form `Type name;`.
> Fixed-size array types have the form `E[n]`. E can itself be
> another fixed-size array type, say F[m]. Then the whole type
> becomes F[m][n]. Simple.
Brilliant! This explanation actually makes me get it now.
> The syntax could have be designed to grow in the other
> direction: [n]E = [n][m]F, to match indexing order. But Walter
> didn't make it that way.
> [1] http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/iota
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