Debugging D applications from VS code with webfreak.debug

FR via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Thu Feb 23 09:54:09 PST 2017

On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 16:30:08 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
> I don't know how to build mago-mi either, but you can obtain it 
> from the bundle with dlangide 

Thanks, that got me somewhere. However, this executable stops 
working as soon as I run it from the command line. 
Double-clicking it from the explorer opens a gdb console. I added 
it to my path anyyhow, but clicking on debug in vscode with a 
launch.json with "type": "mago-mi" doesn't do anything.

> With GDB it should just work though, if you can run `gdb` from 
> the command line. If you can only run it through some MinGW 
> command line version, try running vscode over the command line 
> there

gdb is in my path, I can run it from the command line. When I run 
'gdb test.exe' (test.exe being the binary placed in my workspace 
folder), I get the error message "not in executable format: File 
format not recognized", whether I build as x86 or x86_64. Any 
further tips on where I could get a working gdb?

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