Getting nice print of struct for debugging
Minty Fresh via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Feb 24 17:27:09 PST 2017
On Wednesday, 22 February 2017 at 11:18:15 UTC, Martin
Tschierschke wrote:
> On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 14:02:54 UTC, Jacob Carlborg
> wrote:
> [...]
>> Yes, this works, I would say this is the simplest:
>> MyStruct s;
>> foreach (index, name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
>> writefln("%s: %s", name, s.tupleof[index]);
>> If you want something more close to "send" in Ruby, you need
>> to use a string mixin, like this:
>> foreach (name ; FieldNameTuple!MyStruct)
>> writefln("%s: %s", name, mixin("s." ~ name));
>> The string mixin example works for methods, opDispatch and
>> similar as well. The tupleof example, the first one, works
>> only for fields.
> Exactly what I was looking for, **thank you!**
> Both ways of accessing the struct elements are very interesting,
> giving an impression what is possible with D.
> Is it possible to overwrite "toString" for all structs in one
> step?
> Regards mt.
Since structs are Plain-old Data and don't do inheritance, the
best option is a template mixin.
template mixin PrettyPrint
string toString()
// . . .
From there, you can mix it into any struct you want.
struct MyStruct
mixin PrettyPrint;
If you're familiar with Rails, this is similar to a Concern.
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