How do I get names of regex captures during iteration? Populate AAs with captures?
Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Feb 28 23:01:31 PST 2017
Is there a way to get the name of a named capture when iterating
over captures from a regular expression match? I've looked at
the std.regex code and it seems like "no" to my eyes, but I
wonder if others here have... a way.
My original problem is this: I need to populate an associative
array (AA) with all named captures that successfully matched
during a regex match (and none of the captures that failed). I
was wondering what the best way to do this might be.
Please see comments in the below program for details and my
current progress:
void main()
import std.compiler;
import std.regex;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
writefln("Compiler name: %s",;
writefln("Compiler version: %s.%s", version_major,
enum pattern = `(?P<var>\w+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>\d+)?;`;
writefln("Regular expression: `%s`", pattern);
auto re = regex(pattern);
auto c = matchFirst("a = 42;", re);
reportCaptures(re, c);
c = matchFirst("a = ;", re);
reportCaptures(re, c);
void reportCaptures(Regex, RegexCaptures)(Regex re, RegexCaptures
import std.range;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;
writefln("Captures from matched string '%s'",
string[string] captureList;
// I am trying to read the captures from a regular
expression match
// into the above AA.
// ...
// This kind of works, but requires a string lookup for
each capture
// and using it in practice relies on undocumented
behavior regarding
// the return value of std.regex.Capture's
opIndex[string] method
// when the string index is a valid named capture that
was not actually
// captured during the match (ex: the named capture was
qualified with
// the ? operator or the * operator in the regex and
never appeared in
// the matched string).
foreach( captureName; re.namedCaptures )
auto capture = captures[captureName];
if ( capture is null )
writefln(" captures[%s] is null",
else if ( capture.empty )
writefln(" captures[%s] is empty",
writefln(" captures[%s] is '%s'",
captureName, capture);
captureList[captureName] = capture;
writefln("Total captures: %s", captureList);
// I really want to do something like this, instead:
foreach( capture; captures )
captureList[] = capture.value;
// And, in reality, it might need to be more like this:
foreach( capture; captures )
foreach ( valueIndex, value; capture.values )
captureList[format("%s-%s",,valueIndex)] = value;
// Because, logically, named captures qualified with the
// *, +, or {} operators in regular expressions may
// multiple slices.
writefln("Total captures: %s", captureList);
//Output, DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.1:
//Compiler name: Digital Mars D
//Compiler version: 2.73
//Regular expression: `(?P<var>\w+)\s*=\s*(?P<value>\d+)?;`
//Captures from matched string 'a = 42;'
// captures[value] is '42'
// captures[var] is 'a'
//Total captures: ["value":"42", "var":"a"]
//Captures from matched string 'a = ;'
// captures[value] is empty
// captures[var] is 'a'
//Total captures: ["var":"a"]
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