Quine using strings?

Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Tue Jan 17 14:57:28 PST 2017

On Monday, 16 January 2017 at 13:11:38 UTC, pineapple wrote:
> On Monday, 16 January 2017 at 09:33:23 UTC, Nestor wrote:
>> PS. Isn't this approach considered "cheating" in quines? ;)
> I'm afraid so - while the empty program has been technically 
> accepted as being a quine (e.g. 
> http://www.ioccc.org/1994/smr.hint) programs which use file io 
> to read their own source have not.

But the program doesn't read from IO it's own program. It is a 
stand alone executable which does no file IO. The compiler on the 
other hand does IO to inject the file into the program.

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