Bug in generator

ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Jan 30 03:23:46 PST 2017

On 01/30/2017 11:58 AM, Profile Anaysis wrote:
> Also, if one tries to create a global generator an error about PAGESIZE
> not being a compile time value is given.

That means you can't initialize it statically, because PAGESIZE is not 
known statically. But you can have a global (module scope, thread local) 
Generator. You just have to initialize it dynamically.

import std.concurrency: Generator, yield;

/* No: */
/* Generator!int g = new Generator!int({ yield(42); }); */

/* Yes: */
Generator!int g1;
void main()
     g1 = new Generator!int({ yield(42); });

/* Also yes: */
Generator!int g2;
static this()
     g2 = new Generator!int({ yield(42); });

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