Syntax of isExpression
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Tue Jan 31 03:40:06 PST 2017
On 01/31/2017 02:49 AM, Alex wrote:
> auto r = E!(int, myType.a, true)();
> static if (is(T : TX!TL, alias TX, TL...))
> {
> writeln(is(TL[0] == int));
> writeln(typeid(TL[1]));
> writeln(typeid(TL[2]));
> writeln(is(TL[2] == bool));
> }
That's because 'true' is not the type 'bool' but a value of bool. You
can ask whether the type of a value is bool:
writeln(is(typeof(TL[2]) == bool));
But then it fails for the Tuple case because typeof(bool) is not bool in
that case. You need to cover all cases if both 'bool' and 'true' mean
the same thing for you.
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