D for Web Development?
Michael Reiland via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Fri Jun 9 15:01:14 PDT 2017
On Friday, 9 June 2017 at 15:07:03 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> // compile with the cgi.d, database.d, postgres.d, and dom.d
> library modules
> // and make sure your C libpq library is available. so on my
> computer, the
> // compile command is:
> // dmd webtest.d ~/arsd/{cgi,database,postgres,dom}
> -L-L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -m64 -version=embedded_httpd
> import arsd.cgi;
> import arsd.postgres;
> import arsd.dom;
> void handle(Cgi cgi) {
> // database setup: psql me
> // create table test (id integer, data text);
> auto database = new PostgreSql("dbname = me");
> scope(exit) .destroy(database);
> // insert some data from the request into the
> database...
> database.query("INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES (?)",
> cgi.request("data"));
> // of course, you could also load the html skeleton
> from a file
> auto document = new Document("<!DOCTYPE
> html><html><head><title>Demo</title></head><body></body></html>", true, true);
> foreach(row; database.query("SELECT id, data FROM
> test")) {
> document.mainBody.addChild("b", row["id"]);
> document.mainBody.addChild("p", row["data"]);
> }
> cgi.write(document.toString(), true);
> }
> mixin GenericMain!handle;
So if I'm understanding this code correctly, your libs don't have
any sort of routing setup either, and I would have to write the
code to inspect the URL and do the right thing?
> I don't use any of the templating engines... in the demo above,
> I used my dom.d though which is a potential base lib to make
> one. It is a html parser with many functions for modification.
> You can write your "templates" as just .html files and load
> them with this, then search for various ID elements or whatever
> (dom.d has `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll`) and append
> elements with dom or setting things like `innerText` and
> `innerHTML`.
I think I'd prefer to use more of a template system as it feels
more productive having it all inline. I have concerns about the
complexity of getting "helper" type functionality in Temple, but
I'll tackle that when I get to it.
I really really dislike the syntax for DIET, I was never a big
HAML fan.
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