Playing with Entity System, performance and D.

SrMordred via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Jun 19 15:42:23 PDT 2017

On Monday, 19 June 2017 at 19:06:57 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> For me, alias_fun and op_apply are very close. If anything, 
> alias_fun seems to be slightly faster.
> Typical output (ldc2 -release -O3):
> ----
> Avoiding bounds checking makes it faster for me (but is unsafe 
> of course):

I took a deeper look into dub.
"--build=release" make almost all optimizations flags on, except 
There is a "--build=release-nobounds" and with it, the numbers 
got a lot closer (checked on another pc so will not post the 
numbers now)

> By the way, if I read it right, indexes is just `0 .. limit`, 
> twice, isn't it? So there's no real point to it in the sample 
> code. When I get rid of indexes and just count up to `limit`, 
> all three versions perform the same. But I guess you're going 
> to have arbitrary values in indexes when you actually use it.

Iep :)
I choose to keep the indexes 0..limit(and not for eg, random) 
just to not have cache misses interfering too much with the 


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