Natural Sort optimzation
FoxyBrown via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Fri Jun 30 13:00:41 PDT 2017
Spent the last hour trying to get a natural sort. Ended up having
to create my own(not sure if it's 100% correct though but works
in practice). The Rosetta one is not correct.
Here is my implementation, anyone care to perfect it?
// Compares the strings a and b numerically, e.g., "04038284" and
"000002" returns 1, the first is larger.
int compareStringNum(string a, string b)
// Remove leading 0's
a = a.stripLeft('0');
b = b.stripLeft('0');
if (a.length > b.length) return 1;
if (a.length < b.length) return -1;
auto m = a.length;
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
auto qqx = a[i];
auto qqy = b[i];
// Assume ascii comparision holds, i.e., '0' < '1' < ... < '9'
if (a[i] > b[i]) return 1;
if (a[i] < b[i]) return -1;
return 0;
string[] naturalSort(string[] arr) /*pure @safe*/
alias myComp = (x, y) {
auto ml = min(x.length, y.length)-1;
auto ofsx = -1; auto ofsy = -1;
auto numx_found = -1;
auto numy_found = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < ml; i++)
// If we have not found any numbers(that are not the same) and
we have a difference, the strings must be different, fall back on
standard character comparer
if (!isDigit(x[ofsx]) && !isDigit(y[ofsy]) && x[ofsx] !=
y[ofsy] && numx_found < 0 && numy_found < 0)
return x[ofsx] > y[ofsy];
// We are at a position in the string where either we are at
the end of a digit sequence or the characters have been identical
up to this point
if (isDigit(x[ofsx]) && numx_found < 0) numx_found = ofsx;
if (isDigit(y[ofsy]) && numy_found < 0) numy_found = ofsy;
if (!isDigit(x[ofsx]) && !isDigit(y[ofsy]) && numx_found >= 0
&& numy_found >= 0)
auto numx = x[numx_found..ofsx];
auto numy = y[numy_found..ofsy];
auto res = compareStringNum(numx, numy);
if (res != 0) return (res != 1);
if (!isDigit(x[ofsx]) && !isDigit(y[ofsy]))
numx_found = -1;
numy_found = -1;
} else
if (!isDigit(x[ofsx]) && numx_found >= 0) ofsx--;
if (!isDigit(y[ofsy]) && numy_found >= 0) ofsy--;
return x > y;
auto x = arr.sort!(myComp).release;
return x;
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