Where do you test syntax of D regexp online?

Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 9 06:50:33 PST 2017

I wrote two regexp:

auto inlineCodeBlock = regex("`(.*?)`"); // -->  `(.*?)`
auto bigCodeBlock = regex("/`{3}[\\s\\S]*?`{3}/g"); // -->  
First for for selection inline code block. Second for multi-line:
my header text

my sub header text `foo inline code`

void foo()

my sub 3 text `bar inline code`

my header2 text

It's work fine in online editor https://regex101.com/r/EC5WRu/1 
(sic! \\s\\S double escaped in D code).

But after compilation of code:

auto x = content.matchFirst(bigCodeBlock);


It's seems that D regexp work in another way. How can I test them?

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