Derelict SDL segfaulting on ubuntu?

Robly18 via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Mar 22 03:32:44 PDT 2017

On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 03:44:17 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

> So given what I know so far, my guess is you're using functions 
> from 2.0.5 with a 2.0.4 version of the library. You can call 
> SDL_GetVersion [1] to verify. In that case, you need to use 
> DerelictSDL2 2.1.x and do no use SharedLibVersion -- just let 
> it load the default.

Well, I have a call to SDL_GetVersion in my code, to check 
exactly what you're saying. And it spits out "2.0.5", so I don't 
think that is the problem. I believe I do have it installed: I 
rm'd the old lib files and used make install on SDL. Same thing 
for SDL_Image.

I'm also not sure, how can I tell if a function is from SDL 2.0.5 
or 2.0.4? I tried to look up the changelogs, but couldn't find 
anything compact enough that I can look through it, yet that 
would tell me what functions are new.


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